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Getting the Most Out of Your Patio Furniture | Al-New

  • 2 min read

Getting the Most Out of Your Patio Furniture | Al-New

Depending on the climate where you live, patio furniture can be a tricky thing. In places with shorter “outdoor” seasons, the precious few months when the weather is perfect simply must be enjoyed. Eating outside or hanging out around a backyard bonfire with friends and family are the things memories are made of.

And in places where the weather is warm enough to be outside most or all year long, patio furniture may get weekly or even daily use. Investing in some nice furniture might be an expense well worth the money.

But no matter the climate, there’s one thing that’s the same: patio furniture is meant to be outdoors. So no matter what, it’s going to take a beating from the sun, rain, and maybe even snow. Even in climates where it’s only used a few months, it still may remain outdoors over the winter if there’s nowhere to store it. And in climates where it’s used year-round, it gets 365 solid days per year of sun, wind, and rain. The finish to aluminum patio furniture takes a beating.

So what is a home-owner to do when they’re faced with patio furniture that’s still in great shape but has lost its luster and been rendered chalky and faded from the outdoor elements? Until now, the only option was to replace it more often than likely necessary, but that has all changed with the introduction of AL-NEW Aluminum Restoration Solution.

With a few simple applications with a microfiber cloth, AL-NEW will take faded, chalky, aluminum patio furniture and return the finish to a like-new look. This can literally save homeowners hundreds of dollars in furniture replacement costs for patio furniture that otherwise is in perfect condition.

So whether you’ve got patio furniture that’s used a few months a year or all year round, make the most of your investment with AL-NEW Aluminum Restoration Solution and make the most out of the money you’ve invested in your furniture, while also making the most out of your time outdoors with family and friends.
